At What Age Can You Get Cosmetic Dentistry for Children?

Cosmetic Dentistry For Children Burbank, CA

Cosmetic dentistry for children focuses on addressing issues that affect the way that their teeth look. These treatments are used to fix various imperfections, like gaps between teeth, stains, and alignment issues. Children can start getting cosmetic dental treatments by the time they reach the age of seven.

Cosmetic dentistry is rarely needed for baby teeth, but children might need them as they approach adolescence. These are the years that they may become self-conscious about their appearance.

Cosmetic dentistry for children can improve your child's teeth

Dentists typically start working on issues that affect the way that a child’s teeth look when they reach the age of seven. At this point, their bite should be developed, so orthodontic problems can be detected. A child’s jaw and facial structures are still growing at this stage, so they are easier to manipulate with orthodontic treatments.

Braces are typically recommended for children at this age because they are less likely to wear removable options, like clear aligners, as directed. They are also more likely to lose their aligners. Braces are fixed in the child’s mouth once installed, so there is no need to worry about the child wearing the appliance as needed.

As the child gets older, a dentist can address any issues that develop with their permanent teeth, like chips, breaks, or stains. Treatments that a dentist can use to improve the way that a child’s teeth look include the following.

Orthodontic appliances

Braces and clear aligners can be used to fix a range of orthodontic issues, like crooked teeth, an overbite, or spaces between teeth. Treatment times with these appliances can be anywhere between 12 to 36 months. Braces are often recommended for young children because they might not be disciplined enough to wear clear aligners for 22 hours every day as needed for the treatment to be effective. Clear aligners are better suited for teenagers and highly responsible children.

Composite bonding

Dentists use these treatments to repair damage to teeth structures due to trauma or decay. It involves applying a composite resin made from mixtures of plastic and glass directly to the tooth being treated. The composite is color-matched with the rest of the child’s teeth, so repairs made do not stick out. The procedure can also be used to seal up cavities.

Teeth whitening

A child is eligible for teeth whitening treatments once all their baby teeth have fallen out. Products that use hydrogen peroxide as the active ingredient work best for kids, and the procedure should be supervised by a dentist. Baby teeth should never be exposed to teeth whitening treatments because that can lead to problems like damaged gum tissues.

Improve your child’s smile with cosmetic dentistry

Issues like a bad bite or poor teeth alignment are easier to treat when your child’s facial structures and jaw are still forming. Give us a call or stop by our Burbank clinic to set up a consultation with our dentist for cosmetic dentistry for children.

Request an appointment here: or call Star Kids Dental & Orthodontics at (818) 483-9064 for an appointment in our Burbank office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Cosmetic Dentistry For Children in Burbank, CA.

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