Baby Root Canal Information from a Pediatric Dentist

Baby Root Canal Burbank, CA

The thought of a baby root canal may spark fear in parents, however, it is important to know that pediatric dentists ensure a safe and secure procedure, thus restoring the child's tooth back to its original condition, both functionally and aesthetically. Nonetheless, parents are eager to understand how the procedure works, which can be helpful in reducing anxiety. Additionally, when parents understand the procedure, they are more able to explain to their child throughout the process.

What is a baby root canal?

Below is a quick overview of baby root canals, including what they are and how pediatric dentists perform the procedure.

Defining the baby root canal procedure

A baby root canal is similar to a traditional root canal for adults, however, it is geared toward baby teeth, also known as the primary teeth. The procedure is done in order to combat tooth loss, restore good oral health, and renew the tooth so that it can get back to functioning and appearing normally. Below is a list of each step of a typical baby root canal:

  1. The pediatric dentist will administer a numbing agent and sedative to keep the child comfortable during the procedure
  2. Once the child feels comfortable, the baby root canal procedure can begin. The pediatric dentist will remove the infected portions of the pulp, which is located in the inner tooth
  3. After removal, the dentist will clean and disinfect the pulp chamber to ensure that it is free of bacteria and debris
  4. Next, gutta-percha will be applied to the empty cavity of the tooth to seal it off and protect it from future damage. Gutta-percha is a rubbery material used in dentistry
  5. Lastly, the pediatric dentist will place a dental crown to complete the baby root canal procedure

In most cases, a baby root canal procedure will use a composite resin dental crown as this is considered a temporary solution. Since baby teeth eventually fall out, dentists rarely use gold or ceramic crowns, which is considered a permanent fix. If the child is really young then a permanent material will be used; however, if the child is near the age of tooth loss then composite resin is likely to be used.

The role of a pediatric dentist

Pediatric dentists are experts at performing procedures on children, toddlers, and adolescents. They undergo extensive training to learn how to be patient and gentle. As it relates to baby root canals, pediatric dentists carefully perform the procedure in a comfortable setting so that the child feels safe and secure.

Does your child need a baby root canal?

Parents that want more information on baby root canals can consult with a pediatric dentist to learn more about specific details. Each patient is different, meaning they will have varying needs. A consultation appointment can identify goals, needs, and preferences, all of which will be used by the pediatric dentist during the procedure. Reach out today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Star Kids Dental & Orthodontics at (818) 483-9064 for an appointment in our Burbank office.

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